In the words of Ms. Brit Brit, "...It's been a while".
*sigh Ahh, high school. Those were days, eh? Actually, I'm really quite glad high school is over, gone, and done with. Too drama for yo mama. Granted, I wish I could go back and do it "right". haha Kick them boys to the curb, brush up on the good ol' Espanol, and re-take that ugly math test over again. blahhh! Who am I kidding? High was def a period in my life I'd like to forget. haha (Except my 128lb body thankyouverymuch! lol) My favorite subject was dance...yes dance (and I guesss English). Good times! Good times!! Never will I forget those days! NEVAAR EVAAAR! I only wish I had dance for every class period!
Here's me way back in the day. (Feel free to laugh lol) Such a proud GRADUATE! Really, ready to move on with life, more than anything! haha Question: To represent each class (year), do they still make weird "gang" looking signs nowadays? LOL oh em gee. You wouldn't catch me "throwin up" nothing but a high-5. lol Loser. Funny when I think back to this time... I never would have pictured myself where I am, today... married to the love of my life with the most beautiful charismatic little princess evarrr! It's like that one question, "Where do you see yourself 5 or ten years from now?" ...I'm sure I'll have more to add a couple of years (or even weeks) down the road from now. Until then, it's wherever God takes me, and I KNOW it's gonna be sa-weeeet adventure! =]
Anywhooo-d-hooo! Here's a look at the past 3 sessions I've had the pleasure of capturing!
1st up! Miss Ashley! She's a senior at Foster, and is headed to college next year! Congrats, Ashley!! Wish you the best of luck!! Stay away from them boys, and stay put in those books, girl! lol I have "thing" for swimmers, cause I uses to be one. Why must swimmers always go unnoticed? If it weren't for Michael Phelps (and other foreign swimmers), we'd be a lost sport. So sad. Swimming IS a sport peeps! You try swimming a couple of laps with perfect form...not easy is it? lol (gah! with this heat, I'm so jealous of peeps with pools...more on that later.)
So we took Miss Ashley's pics in downtown Rosenberg. I used to live there, and well, to be frank, I hated it. I love small towns, but this one was just WAYY too small for me. Plus, I'm not a fan of driving the speed limit, much less UNDER the speed limit. lol I never would have pictured it being such an awesome photo locale! I liked to have died at how many potential spots there were! WEEHOO for little towns (and not living in them)! Ashley was such a GREAT sport! I mean, look at her! She sported her letterman jacket in the blazing Houston heat for crying out loud!! I would have thrown my hands up, and called it quits. I don't look pretty when I sweat. =( So KUDOS Ashley! You totally rocked your session!! Def had a great time working with you, and thanks again for putting up with me and my sisters. haha Congrats, again!!!
To check out more of Ashley's SEN10R Session, CLICK HERE!

Anddd on to our next senior, who I give MAD props to! Hope, who was also chosen to be one of my "PREGALICIOUS" models! Her and her boyfriend (who is VERY well mannered might I add) are expecting a sweet baby boy, soon! I'm so excited for them, and even more for what their future holds! A huge congrats, Hope!! Very proud of your accomplishments this year! In a couple of months from now, your life is about to get 100x's better!!
At first, we scheduled Hope's session at the beach, but well I sometimes forget what its like to be prego (and I'd like to keep it that way lol), and being in direct heat for 2-3 hours would have put mama and baby in an uncomfortable situation. Lord knows I know what its like being prego in the smack dab middle of the cruel summer! NEVER AGAIN! I don't care how cute my tush looks in those shorts! NEVERRRRRRRR! For those ladies currently enduring this blistering heat, although it may not seem like it now, you'll get through! This, I promise!
Hope's boyfriend, Matt, has a gorgeoussss house, and the most perfect backyard evarrrr (with the most crystal clear swimming pool! I almost ditched them, and hit the pool! LOL), AND the cutest little barn that was just aching to be a nice little (big) prop! I was ecstatic! Hope's dress matched beautifully with everything!
Now, let's talk about Matt. Such a sweet boy. REALLY!! Back in his sandbox ages, he took a little stab at modeling, and well, I def think it did some good! I think its hilarious how the guys are more relaxed and more natural than the girls. LOL Ladies, what's up with that eh??? haha They're both so in love! Its so sweet to see! Young love. Hubby and I were there not too long ago, and although many had their doubts, to this day, we're still singing, "...looks like we've made it...look how far we've come my baby...." (Shout out to Shania, for writing this song! Heyyyyy girl!!!!!) Hope, you and Matt have the entire world at your feet! You have such a bright and bold future ahead of you! Live life with no regrets, only lessons learned... God will get you where you need to be, sweetie!
[[Hope, Matt, & Baby.]]
At first, we scheduled Hope's session at the beach, but well I sometimes forget what its like to be prego (and I'd like to keep it that way lol), and being in direct heat for 2-3 hours would have put mama and baby in an uncomfortable situation. Lord knows I know what its like being prego in the smack dab middle of the cruel summer! NEVER AGAIN! I don't care how cute my tush looks in those shorts! NEVERRRRRRRR! For those ladies currently enduring this blistering heat, although it may not seem like it now, you'll get through! This, I promise!
Hope's boyfriend, Matt, has a gorgeoussss house, and the most perfect backyard evarrrr (with the most crystal clear swimming pool! I almost ditched them, and hit the pool! LOL), AND the cutest little barn that was just aching to be a nice little (big) prop! I was ecstatic! Hope's dress matched beautifully with everything!
Now, let's talk about Matt. Such a sweet boy. REALLY!! Back in his sandbox ages, he took a little stab at modeling, and well, I def think it did some good! I think its hilarious how the guys are more relaxed and more natural than the girls. LOL Ladies, what's up with that eh??? haha They're both so in love! Its so sweet to see! Young love. Hubby and I were there not too long ago, and although many had their doubts, to this day, we're still singing, "...looks like we've made it...look how far we've come my baby...." (Shout out to Shania, for writing this song! Heyyyyy girl!!!!!) Hope, you and Matt have the entire world at your feet! You have such a bright and bold future ahead of you! Live life with no regrets, only lessons learned... God will get you where you need to be, sweetie!
To check out more of Hope & Matt's "Pregalicious" Session, CLICK HERE!

And last, but certainly not least. My dearest friend, Connie. Let me tell you something about this chick, ladies and gents! *sings The Fray's, "I found God..." Last year was an extremely bumpy ride for me, but this woman, right here, quickly became my sistaaa from another mister, and that Mister is Mr. JC! Through the past year that Connie and I have known each other, she has so lovingly, so patiently, so undoubtedly helped me walk closer to Him. Yes, I am the wretch the song refers to. But NOW, I'm found, and PRAISE GOD for wonderful friends like my dear and sweet friend, Connie! Connie, I love you, and I thank you from the bottom of my *mosquito bit* feet, to the top of my big bushel of hair! YOU, my friend, are seriously all kinds of awesome!
*Sigh* Santiago!! Ohhh that baby!! Ohhh MYYY baby!!! I love this little booger..this little chunk, as Connie likes to call him. Ahhh! He literally makes my heart melt! I'm hoping Aislynn digs the younger boys when she gets older... well, take that back, I hope she digs THIS younger boy! He is the cutest little boyyyy! Oh my goodness! I could pinch his little cheeks all day long! Future in modeling... RIGHT HERE! mmmhmm! Gerber, if you're reading this, DON'T MISS OUT!!! haha
Life's been crazy lately...crazy enough that Connie booked her session wayyyy backkk in errr February of this year, and JUST yesterday, we FINALLY went through with the session! Her hubby, and good friend of my hubby's, Ricardo, is out on a super God-ordained internship, and THIS is their Father's Day to him! (Gomez family, don't spoil the surprise. You'll have to answer to Connie. lol) Anywho, just when we thought waiting a gazillion months was torturous enough, the mosquitoes (and ditches) were no match for us, and drove us alllllllllll to the other side of the park...which we walked...with ALLLL of our props (baby included). BUT we finally found a sweet little spot, and quickly set up shop! Just in time for the clouds to part, and God to literally shine His light... that sweet golden summer sun. Mmmmm... gotta love it! And I hope you love the shots below! Thanks again, Connie!! Love ya, girl!
btw. Connie has 2 awesome, uplifting ,and inspiring blogs! Check her out! You'll be glad (and so blessed) that you did!
[[Connie & Santiago]]
*Sigh* Santiago!! Ohhh that baby!! Ohhh MYYY baby!!! I love this little booger..this little chunk, as Connie likes to call him. Ahhh! He literally makes my heart melt! I'm hoping Aislynn digs the younger boys when she gets older... well, take that back, I hope she digs THIS younger boy! He is the cutest little boyyyy! Oh my goodness! I could pinch his little cheeks all day long! Future in modeling... RIGHT HERE! mmmhmm! Gerber, if you're reading this, DON'T MISS OUT!!! haha
Life's been crazy lately...crazy enough that Connie booked her session wayyyy backkk in errr February of this year, and JUST yesterday, we FINALLY went through with the session! Her hubby, and good friend of my hubby's, Ricardo, is out on a super God-ordained internship, and THIS is their Father's Day to him! (Gomez family, don't spoil the surprise. You'll have to answer to Connie. lol) Anywho, just when we thought waiting a gazillion months was torturous enough, the mosquitoes (and ditches) were no match for us, and drove us alllllllllll to the other side of the park...which we walked...with ALLLL of our props (baby included). BUT we finally found a sweet little spot, and quickly set up shop! Just in time for the clouds to part, and God to literally shine His light... that sweet golden summer sun. Mmmmm... gotta love it! And I hope you love the shots below! Thanks again, Connie!! Love ya, girl!
btw. Connie has 2 awesome, uplifting ,and inspiring blogs! Check her out! You'll be glad (and so blessed) that you did!
To check out more of the Gomez "Mommy & Me" Session, Click Here!

Soooo that's that! I've gotta some super awesome sessions lined up for this week, but not before I attend AiH-N's FABULOUSSSSS fashion show, first!! Will post pics from that as well! You're not going to believe these pieces the designers have come up with! One word: AH-MAZING!
oh oh, btw. If you haven't figured out by now, my mind is totally random, and I pair THE oddest thoughts together. LOL So with that being said...the meaning of my title just in case you were wondering:
"Shake" -- We all KNOW every graduate does SOME kind of dance after recieving their hard earned diploma! At least, I know I did! LOL
"Rattle" -- well a very special present from God is on his way, of course!
"Row" -- Santiago's new workout regimen! =]
oh oh, btw. If you haven't figured out by now, my mind is totally random, and I pair THE oddest thoughts together. LOL So with that being said...the meaning of my title just in case you were wondering:
"Shake" -- We all KNOW every graduate does SOME kind of dance after recieving their hard earned diploma! At least, I know I did! LOL
"Rattle" -- well a very special present from God is on his way, of course!
"Row" -- Santiago's new workout regimen! =]
I have without a doubt had the MOST Blessed morning..and you like many mornings have been a part of it...This of course made me cry... and I love you so much for being such an awesome friend...who would have thought a year of roughness for a million more of peace! Thank You for enduring the horrible humid heat and mosquito infested forest of Bear Creek....I hope that it was as much worth it as it was for me because I LOVE my pictures...My angel...and his workout... much
ReplyDeleteGracias Casey...eres un Ángel! :D
Props to Katie who was behind the scene attempting to chase off mosquitoes, make Santi smile and for invading my personal space for a creative makeup session! lol. :D
Casey when I say that God has Blessed you with an amazing talent, I really mean that he has Blessed us with the ability to experience it! Keep up all the great work!!!