Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bright.eyed Bushy.tailed.

Gooooood Morning, cupcakes!!!

I wish I was a morning person. You know, like those freshly faced Stepford-wives-looking woman on the Folger's commercials? Yeah, that is so not me. Not even a little bit. Not even a hence of a little bit. I'm 100% night owl. Typically, I hoo my hoo-est in the weeeee hours of the morning, but that all changed, today. Life is taking on a new schedule in the Ayala household, and well, its ride or die. Alarm went off at 4:30am, and I wish I could say I gracefully popped out of bed with a huge smile on face, but no. I continued to lay there contemplating my new schedule... "Hmm...if I wake up at this time, then I can do this at this time....and do that at this time, and still be in bed ON time." You see, whenEVER my alarm sets off, I tend to argue with myself...so much that I tend to fall right back asleep. Am I the only one guilty of this pleasure? lol Cause, really, it is a pleasure... going back to sleep that is. Anywho... I woke up, laid in bed, and finally dragged, and I mean draggedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd (hence the "drag") myself to the bathroom, right up to the sink, where my body decided to take a little break, and rest itself on the counter top. I struggled to gain focus in my eyes, and when I finally did, I took a look at myself in the mirror, and thought, "hmph, we'll see how long this new schedule lasts." So, with that being said, we SHALL see! HA!

Dear God, I pray today be successful and muy muy productive! Thank you for another day here on this crazy earth, and may I not add to the insanity of it. In your most precious and Holy name, AMEN! AMEN!

I received this in my email this morning, and just thought I'd share! You see? There are many many things we can learn while simply laying in our bed (or sleeping in for that matter. lol)

Morning Motivation
When I
woke up this morning lying in bed,
I was asking myself;
are some of the secrets of success in life?
I found
the answer right there,
in my very room.


1 comment:

  1. Loved your take on the morning rituals more than mine...a million times more! :D


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