"When selecting your photographer, remember that the professional photographer is more than someone that takes pictures, they capture memories, your memories, for a lifetime." -- Clayton Austin
Being a photographer, I believe there's more to it than merely pressing the shutter release. Its about the personal relationship you have with your clients. Getting to know them on a more personal level, that way, it's easier to capture THEM as they are, and not as the CAMERA perceives them. Otherwise, you're just another camera owner taking pictures of complete strangers. So with that being said, I encourage ALL of my clients to add me as a personal friend on Facebook. Yeah, yeah, I know its JUST FACEBOOK, but you can learn a lot from people JUST on FACEBOOK. Its a great way for you to see what I'm about. And its a great way for me to stalk your likes and dislikes before a session! lol =]
btw. I know all of you are just dyinggg to know a little more about yours truly. Right?? haha Well, let's not delay any further! ...
[[Courtesy of http://thecreativemama.com/meet-michele/]]

Color? Not pink, but PANK!!! I loveeee me some PANK!
Childhood memory? Yearly summer trips to South Padre, TX. And on the way, grabbing a mouth watering Margarita/Green Apple raspa. You ain't had a raspa, till you've had it "valley" style! Real talk.
Dessert? Mmmm....I have a massively gargantuan sweet tooth. I'll take it ALL! nom nom nom
Guilty pleasure? Haribo Gummy Bears. =]
Guilty pleasure? Haribo Gummy Bears. =]
Book you have read? I wish I could say many, but unfortunately I don't have a single drop of Book Worm blood in me... I'm more a picture book kinda gal. LOL Believe it or not, the LONGEST book I've EVER read was Twilight. (facepalm lol)
TV Show? I hardly ever watch tv, but when I have the time America's Next Top Model is like a class in itself...I learn a lot about posing, props, and techniques. SVU rocks my socks, too!
Way to spend a Friday night? With my hubby's crazy work schedule, every night is spent as a family.

Boots or Flip-flops? I may live in Texas, but I don't own a single pair of boots. I do, however, have an array of flip flops (in all the colors of the rainbow).
Mac or PC? Mac for storage and speed. However Windows 7 is heaven sent!
Beach or Mountains? Please to the beach, but not Houston's beach. Please to mountains, but no thank you to the popping of my ears. =)
Massage or Pedicure? Massage. ps. I think the hubbs was a professional masseuse in another lifetime.
Dog or Cat? dogs. end of story.
Coffee or Tea? Red Diamond Iced Tea!
Morning Person or Night Owl? Read my last blog.

What are three words you would use to describe yourself? Christian, daydream believer, & cuddly hehe
Some random fact about you very few people know.
- Back in the sand box ages, I literally fell ON a stick, which literally punctured my leg, which where I now have a nice little (dime size) scar.
- Back in the sand box ages, I literally fell ON a stick, which literally punctured my leg, which where I now have a nice little (dime size) scar.
- In 4th grade I got kicked by a soccer ball extremely hard, and now I have what looks like a varicose vain on my leg. sexy huh? lol
- I despise ketchup.
If you could have coffee with anyone famous (past or present) who would it be and why? Jesus, duh. No need for an explanation.
What or who gives you inspiration? Wow. So many inspirations... music, LOVE, motherhood, magazines, colors (cliche maybe), LIFE... anything God-created.
If you could share one bit of advice for your teenage self what would it be? Don't endure 3 years of Spanish class. Instead, befriend a real-life tutor. (I did even better for myself, and married one...even got lucky enough to have a daughter who adores Dora the Explorer) =]
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