This was mucho fun!!
©Rue21 has this fabulously saa-weeet event they do every now and again where they have a "try on" party with the store's employees and clothes/accessories. HOW FUN!
Unfortunately, the backdrop provider couldn't show, but we improvised, and used the back wall of the fitting room. Yes, imagine... Me in a hmm... I wanna say, 4x3 fitting room with a 50mm lens. I was so wishing my rear wasn't so big, so I could have squeeeeezed up against the mirror just a TAD bit more. But all turned out great!
Also, for the b&w edits, check out my Facebook Page!
Thanks guys for being wickedly awesome!
And thank you Marty for the wickedly awesome opportunity!
-Casey <3
Ahhh I am sooo behind on Blogs...soon I will get back to it... but sooo happy you have been busy... and your sis is soooo cute!!! :D