[[Wednesdays are ALL about my Aislynn LOVE! I'll be posting pics of her, by her, and for her!]]
For Houstonians, rain is a thing of the norm. Well, at least it has been the past couple of days. The weekend was drenched with THE biggest rain drops I had ever seen, not to mention we got wildly attacked by a ninja hail storm. (that's a blog in itself.)
I hate the heat. I mean, I really. really. REALLY. DO. Why must it be 100+ degrees? Why?? I don't understand this, and never will... I mean of course there are plenty of logical explanations, but really, WHY?? God knows I don't have humid proof hair. Why must He torture me in this way? WHY? I look like a Chia Pet that has been drowned by it's owner. (I'm a plant killer. Not by heart, but def by nature. My green thumb will never be green.)
Unfortunately for Aislynn, my non humid-proof hair genes have passed right on down to her... so much that my dreams of gracefully brushing my daughter's hair, and creating awesomely cute hairstyles equipped with bows, ribbons, and whatever else I can find...yeah those days have yet to come. Number one, she isn't thrilled at my brushing of her hair, however when I create the most wild styles (ones that I would NEVER intend on being seen by the public for fear that peeps would look at me like I neglect my daughter's appearance), Aislynn gets super uber excited about them! Why? I have no clue. Number two, her hair is super thin. Me? Well, I've never laid hands on thin hair, so I dunno the first thing about it, other than it being, well, thin, so this is all new to me.
SO, a couple of weeks ago, I YouTubed (yes, I did) hair-styles for children. I sat Aislynn with me in hopes of brewing some kind of excitement towards "normal" hair styles. Immediately, she went to the bathroom, and tried doing her OWN hair. This I can appreciate because I get frazzled attempting to do even my own hair. However I soon found out, I was unsuccessful in my quest...a crazy hairstyle is what Aislynn loves, and what she considers to be "Princess" worthy. My mother used to french braid my hair, and after years and years of her doing it (even after high school. Yes, I totally rocked the french braid at the age of 20!), I, personally, have NO clue how to achieve this simple sassafras look! And due to my absence of beauty school, poor thing, has a permanent part in her hair. She's gonna hate me for it 3 years from now, I just know it...I just know it. So I give up...I figure the funkier, the better. And that's exactly what I tried below, and Aislynn was THRILLED!
These images were taken Monday after...yes you guessed it, the rain. Over the wet and rainy weekend, we bought Aislynn some rain boots, which she can't seem to live without. Rain has become her best friend and her most anticipated event of the day! (I can't say I don't agree. I'd rather it rain than feel like a blazing inferno outside.) Monday, she peered through the blinds all morning, and finally the first cloud arrived, and no sooner did Aislynn yell out, "Mommy! Its about to rain!!". Patiently waiting, she peered out again, and finally, it was raining cats and dogs. Again, no sooner did she yell, "Mommy! We need boots!!" She ate her lunch and cleaned her entire bedroom in less than half an hour just to be able to go outside and play in the rain! (This was a HUGE accomplishment for her! Or any 3 year old for that matter. haha)
Although Aislynn digs crazy hair, she doesn't dig getting dirty. In fact, if she spills a little something on her shirt, I'll find her in rummaging through her closet for a change of clean clothes to put on. She doesn't even like getting her Barbie's wet, unless of course they have fins which then implies they are SUPPOSED to get wet. However, if she spots one of God's tiny creatures scurrying across the floor, she run after it, and magnifies the effect by getting SUPER close. (dunno where she gets this from- Jr and I despise creepy crawlers) So to see her jumping in, out, and around the puddles was a breath of fresh air. She had so much fun, even after having to repeatedly pour out the water in her boots. She didn't mind. And because she didn't mind, I didn't mind. Those boots are replaceable. So what if they smell like rancid water. Right??? haha! We'll see about that. But those memories of her enjoying herself without a care in the world...well, those of course are priceless, and I'm glad I was able to capture these moments. We were only out there for maybe 30 minutes, but it was the best 30 minutes of the day! Hope you enjoy these moments as much as Aislynn and I did. =]

Shot in Manual Mode: F/4.0 1/640 ISO 200

Shot in Manual Mode: F/5.6 1/800 ISO 640
(This was initially my first shot, and for some reason from the time I set my camera up while in my bedroom to the time I made it outside, it magically changed to Program Mode)
Shot in Manual Mode: F/4.0 1/640 ISO 200

Shot in Manual Mode: F/4/0 1/640 ISO 200

Shot in Manual Mode: F/4.0 1/1000 ISO-200
Shot in Manual Mode: F/4.0 1/640 ISO-200
To check out more images from our fun in the rain, visit my Flickr page!
To check out more images from our fun in the rain, visit my Flickr page!
(I've given it a resurrection, if you will.)
Rain, Shine, & HUGE LOVE!
-Casey <3
aww loved it! we all need to embrace our inner child! =D! this makes me what to have our water balloon fight again! we should make waterballoon fights a friday might tradition! =D
ReplyDeleteLMBO!! We totally should, Ana!!