Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Light the Night | Battle Against Leukemia and Lymphoma

[[UPDATE!  I've signed up for another Team! In addition to walking October 9, I will also be walking October 24!)

Hi all!

In case some didn't know, October 9, 2010, my sister and I am walking in Houston's "Light the Night" Walk. Together, we will "light the night" with hope for all those battling Leukemia and Lymphoma. Please consider donating to this very special cause, or perhaps donate your time and effort by walking with us! We'd love to have you on our team!  Plus, if we each meet a personal goal of $100, we'll receive a special t-shirt as well as an illuminated balloon.  The balloon(s) signifies red (supporters), white (survivors) or gold (in memory of a loved one).

Funds raised through Light The Night Walk support the work of hundreds of the world's best and brightest researchers in their search for better therapies and cures for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma.

  • A donation of $25 provides patients and their loved ones with FREE booklets that contain up-to-date information on their disease and help them make informed decisions about their treatment options.
  • A donation of $50 makes possible a Family Support group with a trained facilitator where comfort can be found and experiences can be shared among patients and family members.
  • A donation of $100 helps supply laboratory researchers with supplies and materials critical to carrying out their search for cures.
  • A donation of $1,000 makes possible one- on-one conversations with health care specialists who provide patients with information about their disease, treatment options, and helps prepare them with questions for their health care team.

Please take a minute to view this video. Have tissues on hand! Their stories are remarkable!

Here's a pic of my sister's and I right before the March of Dimes 5k walk.

[[March of Dimes 2010]]

Please consider making a donation. Together, let's fight this battle!
Thank you!

-Casey <3


  1. You're so awesome. Can't wait to meet you in a few weeks! I know the feeling...my FAMILY, my moms SIBLINGS, haven't even donated...Friends of Casey - PLEASE help her out and donate to this excellent cause. While these blood cancers are out in front of everyone's faces publicly, they are still in MILLIONS of peoples hearts! She's such an awesome spirit, and awesome person for helping out this cause, please help her out!!

  2. Aww Thanks so much, Sabrina!!

    Everyone, I'm also walking with Sabrina in honor of her loved ones! Please consider making a donation to my second team as well! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!


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