Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mario & Ana + 1 | DreamTree Photography

I had fun with these two!  I fell in love with their quirkiness, and seeing how natural they were together was quite inspirational.  I love photographing couples!  I love love.  Its what makes the world go 'round, and definitely what makes it worth while.

Thank you both for allowing me to capture these moments for you! Can't wait to meet Alice!

Here's a sneak peek from Ana and Mario's Maternity Session!

btw. Mario wore his allll time favorite shirt. As you can see he digs Spider Man.
Me, however, I'm more of a Batman kinda-gal. With his sharp moves, and cat-like reflexes... not to mention that deep sexy voice... He makes my heart sort of flutter. (Spider Man ain't got diddlysquat on Batman. Just sayin' haha)  BUT, it was all gravy, Mario and I got along just fine! =]

Btw.  I've started 2 other blogs.  Neither of which have an actual post. BUT, I'm working on it.
Stay tuned for those. =]

SpiderMan, baby love, and HUGE LOVE!
-Casey <3


  1. Another Awesome Set! Did you get the Maternity Oh-Lala (Boudouir) pics done? I can't wait for mine!!!!!! No matter how I look...I am reallllllllyyyy excited. I feel like it's gonna be a goooood thing! :D

  2. Thanks so much, Connie! Really had lots of fun with this couple! =D


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